SASVic’s recommendations for the government’s 2024 women’s safety funding package

The government has made a commitment to deliver a funding package on women’s safety and freedom. Action on sexual violence is well overdue and this funding package could make a real difference.

SASVic are calling on the government to:

  • Rename its ministerial porfolio to Prevention of Family & Sexual Violence to make it clear that this is a priority.

  • Improve justice options and outcomes for people impacted by sexual violence by:

    • funding new Justice Navigators

    • funding more training for police, laywers, judges and magistrates

    • immediately exempting victim survivors of sexual and/or family violence from the requirement to report to police in order to be eligible for assistance through the Financial Assistance Scheme

    • improving tendency and coincidence evidence laws to make sure courts hear important evidence on the alleged sexual offending of multiple children by the same individual.

  • Fund an ambitious Victorian sexual violence strategy that sets out at least 10 years of systemic reform to reduce the prevalence and harm of sexual violence. The stragegy should address all forms of sexual violence, including the impact of technology-facilitated sexual violence and pornography on children and young people.

  • Grow and resource a strong sector and peak body. This would include:

    • fully funding the specialist sexual assault sector to meet the demand in Victoria and ensure that anyone impacted by sexual violence can get the support they need where and when they need it

    • strengthening support, information and resources online and over the phone

    • ongoing funding for the peak to continue its vital work and to translate new research into effective recovery resources for survivors.


SASVic welcomes the introduction of Justice Navigators as part of the government’s new funding package


Action on sexual violence still on hold