Help & advice
How to get help
If you or somebody else is in immediate danger call the police on 000.
If you have experienced sexual assault and need help, call the Sexual Assault Crisis Line on 1800 806 292.
You can also find your local specialist sexual assault services by visiting our helpful service map.

Specialist sexual assault services in Victoria
There are specialist services across Victoria that support victim survivors of sexual assault and their family members. There are also services that help children and young people who have engaged in harmful sexual behaviour.
Specialist sexual assault services provide free and confidential support, including crisis support services to women, children, young people, men and people who identify as gender diverse.
When you contact a specialist sexual assault service you will:
• be believed
• be treated with respect, sensitivity and understanding
• be informed of your rights
• get information
• be in control of your decision making
• have privacy and confidentiality.
If you live in Victoria
Outside Victoria

Other services
National Redress Scheme is for people who have experienced instituational child sexual abuse. The scheme helps people access redress and can connect them to free confidential Redress Support Services.
Find a specialist family violence service
Safe Steps family violence crisis service. Call 1800 015 188 anytime.
1800 My Options provides free, confidential information and referrals for sexual and reproductive health services in Victoria.
Rainbow Door is specialist LGBTIQA+ helpline. Call 1800 729 367 between 10am - 5pm, 7 days a week.
13YARN is he national crisis support line for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Call 13 92 76 anytime.
Women’s Information Referral Exchange
Djirra is an Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation providing practical support to Aboriginal people who are currently experiencing family violence or have in the past.
InTouch Multicultural Centre Against Family Violence is a family violence service working with migran and refugee women and their communities.
Office of Public Prosecutions Victoria
Sexual Offences and Child Abuse Investigation Teams
Victorian Department of Human Services