Making Rights Reality
Making Rights Reality is a program at South Eastern Centre Against Sexual Assault (SE CASA) that provides extra help to adults and children with disability who have experienced sexual violence or family violence. The program makes sure people with disability have equal access to counselling, the criminal justice system and the Financial Assistance Scheme. It is available across all SE CASA sites.
Easy Read Booklets
Easy Read Booklets have been developed as part of Making Rights Reality. Easy Read is a communication format specifically designed to make content simple, clear and easily understandable. Click on the links below to view, download or print each booklet.
Counselling after sexual assault booklet
Crisis care after sexual assault booklet
Money to help you after sexual assault booklet
Having a health check after sexual assault booklet
If you have any feedback on these booklets, please email
If you work for a specialist sexual assault service and would like a version of the Making Rights Reality booklets with your organisation’s logo on it, please email
If you need help
To speak to a specialist sexual assault counsellor, please call 1800 806 292.
To speak to someone at SE CASA about the Making Rights Reality program, you can call 03 8769 2200. SE CASA has offices in Bentleigh, Cranbourne, Dandenong, Hastings, Pakenham, McCrae, Seaford and also offer services at Monash University Clayton & Caulfield campuses.
There are specialist sexual assault services all over Victoria. SASVic has a map of services where you can search for your postcode or suburb to find your local service. We also have a list of the services available.