For members
Sexual Assault Services Victoria (SASVic) is the peak body for 18 specialist sexual assault and harmful sexual behaviour services in Victoria.
National Association of Services Against Sexual Violence (NASASV) Standards of Practice Manual for Services Against Sexual Violence (Third Edition)
In September 2021, NASASV released the National Standards of Practice Manual for Services Against Sexual Violence (Third Edition).
This Edition provides guidance on the provision of services to adults, children and young people who have experienced sexual assault, and children and young people exhibiting harmful sexual behaviours.
The Standards set a standard for practice competence for the workforce and provide guidance for training providers on the design and development of training for responding to people impacted by sexual violence.
These Standards address the specific skills and knowledge set required for different modalities of responding, such as telephone, online or face-to-face approaches.
SASVic workforce development
SASVic offers free workforce development for those working in DHHS funded sexual assault support and harmful sexual behaviours services.
Please contact the our Workforce Capability and Prevention Manager if you are interested in attending and are not currently employed in the sexual assault field.
Emily Roberts
Workforce Capability and Prevention Manager
Email: training@sasvic.org.au
Workforce Development Calendar 2024
Upcoming trainings
Please find updates for the Workforce Development Calendar 2024 here: Training Events.
Online training and resources
SASVic members MARAM Capacity Building Project
The Multi Agency Risk Assessment and Risk Management Framework (MARAM) is designed to increase the safety and wellbeing of Victorians by supporting services to identify, assess and manage family violence risk effectively. MARAM includes the Family Violence and Child Information Sharing Schemes (FVISS & CIS), which are designed to support risk assessment and risk management.
All Victorian funded sexual assault (SA) and harmful sexual behaviour (HSB) services must align with the MARAM Framework and undertake family violence screening, identification, risk assessment and risk management for all clients. This funded by Family Safety Victoria, is helping to build capacity of our members to implement MARAM and the information sharing schemes.
A webinar series: sexual assault in intimate partner relationships
In partnership, SASVic, Safe & Equal and NTV host quarterly webinars that explore coordinated responses between sexual assault services, specialist family violence victim survivor services and perpetrator intervention services to respond to sexual violence in the context of family violence.
Past Webinar recordings
Trauma and Violence Informed Practice in the context of intimate partner sexual violence (Part 1)
Part 1 of this webinar series focused on the MARAM framework, and how each sector responds to trauma. It highlighted how system responses can maintain a victim-survivor centred approach.
To access the recording: https://vimeo.com/629946994
Password: SASVic_NTV_DVVIC2021
Responses to perpetrators who use intimate partner sexual violence
Using the MARAM framework, this webinar explored how services can respond collaboratively to keep perpetrators in view and accountable, and increase victim-survivor safety.
Panellists from victim-survivor, perpetrator intervention and sexual assault services offered offered insights and experiences of collaborative practice in the context of serious risk intimate partner sexual violence.
To access the recording: https://vimeo.com/569223186
Password: DVV_NTV_SASVic_2021
Responding to the Complexities – Intimate Partner Sexual Violence in LGBTIQ Relationships
Explored the complexities of responding to intimate partner sexual violence in LGBTIQ relationships; assumptions that practitioners often make about LGBTIQ relationships; the impact on risk and safety; and how to improve risk assessment and risk management under the MARAM framework.
To access the recording: https://vimeo.com/531070089
Password: DVV_NTV_SASVic_2021
Cross-sector Understandings of Family Violence and Sexual Assault in Intimate Partner Relationships: How to Ask and How to Respond
Explored the foundations of asking and responding to sexual assault in the context of family violence, and drew on lived experience of navigating the service system.
To access the recording: https://vimeo.com/463679074
Password: DVV_NTV_CASA_2020
A System Response to Sexual Violence in Intimate Partner Relationships
Explored how we respond to sexual violence within intimate partner relationships as a coordinated system, highlighting how system responses can maintain a victim-survivor centred approach. Panelists offered their insights and practice expertise to respond appropriately to sexual violence, including how to utilize MARAM as an enabler of effective cross sector coordination.
To access the recording: https://vimeo.com/487021456
Password: DVV_NTV_CASA_2020
SASVic MARAM e-learning for SA and HSB practitioners
MARAM Practitioner Training (e-learning)
MARAM e-learning modules for SA and HSB Practitioners
The MARAM framework provides guidance and directs system-wide responses to family violence risk identification, assessment, and management across Victoria.
The e-learning modules support SAS and HSB practitioners to understand the MARAM framework and to undertake family violence screening, identification, risk assessment and management, information sharing and referral.
The e-learning includes:
An overview of the MARAM Framework.
The 10 MARAM responsibilities in relation to victim survivors.
How to align practice with the 10 MARAM responsibilities.
MARAM risk assessment, risk management tools & resources.
To register and complete the modules please click on the link below: https://sasvic.teachable.com/p/multi-agency-risk-assessment-management#
MARAM Alignment
Safe & Equal is contracted by FSV to provide MARAM Leading Alignment; MARAM Comprehensive Family Violence Specialist - Renewing CRAF to MARAM and MARAM Risk Assessment; and Management Training modules. Click here to access these.
Each Family Violence Regional Integration Committee across Victoria has been funded by the Department of Health and Human Services to deliver the MARAM Collaborative Module training. Contact your local Principal Strategic Advisor to find out more about training opportunities in your local area.
For further information, contact SASVic
Maria Papadontas, Service Design and Improvement Manager
Email: maria.papadontas@sasvic.org.au
Education & training for other professionals about sexual assault
Sexual assault services can provide community education and training for those who would like to gain skills and understanding about working with victim/survivors of sexual assault. People who attend our workshops come from health and welfare, counselling and medical fields. Some workshops are also suitable for students.
Areas covered can include:
enhanced understanding of sexual assault
the role of SAS in supporting victim/survivors
sexual assault & the legal system
structural & social conditions that enable sexual assault & other violent crimes
strategies to help prevent sexual assault
the nature & impacts of sexual assault & key elements of effective responses
information about referral options & professional support
essential foundations for safe sexual assault counselling
theoretical frameworks & a victims-rights advocacy model of responding to victim/survivors of sexual assault
skills & strategies for responding to people in crisis because of sexual assault
examination of vicarious trauma for workers
To discuss your organisations training needs, contact your local service.
Practice resources
Establishing the connection: Guidelines for practitioners and clinicians in the sexual assault and alcohol and other drug sectors
Australian Institute of Family Studies (2016)
These guidelines have been developed to build the capacity of workers in the sexual assault and alcohol and other drug (AOD) sectors in Victoria to support shared clients who experience both sexual assault trauma and substance use issues.
Victorian affirmative consent law reform fact sheet
This fact sheet outlines the legislative changes made in response to the Victorian Law Reform Commission’s report, Improving the Justice System Response to Sexual Offences. These legislative reforms will come into operation 30 July 2023. This information is intended as a general overview only.